Eternal Love Red Floral Bouquet is the perfect expression of passion and beauty. With a vibrant combination of red roses, red chrysanthemums, and red carnations, this stunning arrangement captures the essence of love in full bloom. The bouquet is elegantly complemented by red spray carnations and kamini leaves, which add depth and texture. To finish, the bouquet is beautifully wrapped in black and gold dotted paper and adorned with a red ribbon, making it a sophisticated and charming gift.
Ideal for romantic occasions like Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or to show your love, this bouquet will undoubtedly steal hearts with its bold, classic design.
Key Features:
✔ 6 Red Chrysanthemums – Symbolizing loyalty, love, and devotion.
✔ 5 Red Carnations – Elegant flowers representing love, admiration, and passion.
✔ 5 Red Roses – The classic symbol of love and affection.
✔ 7 Red Spray Carnations – Adding texture and vibrance to the bouquet.
✔ 5 Kamini Leaves – Lush greenery that brings balance to the vibrant colors.
✔ 2 Red Ribbons – Adding a touch of elegance and charm.
✔ 7 Black & Gold Dotted Paper Sheets – A luxurious wrapping that enhances the beauty of the bouquet.