Celebrate love and passion with the Romance Rekindled with Red Roses Box, a luxurious floral arrangement that embodies timeless romance. Featuring 31 radiant red roses as the centerpiece, this design is enhanced with the unique textures of celosia, vibrant red chrysanthemums, and dramatic red amaranthus. Lush kamini and leather leaves add natural vibrancy, while the arrangement is presented in an elegant green box for a contemporary and striking finish.
Whether it’s for Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, or a heartfelt romantic gesture, this captivating arrangement is a testament to your love and admiration.
Key Features:
- An exquisite arrangement of premium red roses, complemented by textured florals and lush greenery.
- Presented in a chic, reusable green box for an elegant display.
- Includes oasis foam to ensure long-lasting freshness and beauty.
- Perfect for romantic occasions and making lasting impressions.