A masterpiece of floral beauty, the Blush Elegance Rose Bouquet is an exquisite blend of 100 premium roses, combining the purity of white roses, the grace of revival roses, and the delicate charm of sweet avalanche roses. This breathtaking arrangement is carefully wrapped in luxurious pink and gold net paper and adorned with dark pink ribbons, making it the perfect choice for romantic gestures, celebrations, and elegant gifting.
Key Features:
✔ 100 handpicked roses – A mix of White, Revival, and Sweet Avalanche roses for a stunning color harmony.
✔ Wrapped in 8 sheets of premium pink & gold net paper for an opulent touch.
✔ Tied with 2 dark pink ribbons to enhance elegance and sophistication.
✔ Accented with 10 Kamini leaves for a lush, natural look.
✔ Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and luxury floral gifting.
✔ Handcrafted with precision by expert florists.