Elevate your expression of love with the Heartfelt Love Arrangement, a striking combination of passion and elegance. Featuring 21 vibrant red roses as the centerpiece, complemented by 5 stems of delicate red spray carnations, this arrangement is thoughtfully enhanced with lush greenery, including china palm, mayur leaves, and kamini leaves. Accented with soft gypsophilia, this stunning bouquet is artfully arranged in a sleek black hexagonal box, symbolizing sophistication and timeless romance.
The Heartfelt Love Arrangement is the perfect gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or any occasion where you want to create a heartfelt impression.
Key Features:
- A romantic and modern floral arrangement showcasing premium red blooms and lush foliage.
- Comes with a black hexagonal box for an elegant and reusable presentation.
- Designed with oasis foam to ensure long-lasting freshness and vibrant beauty.
- Ideal for romantic milestones, proposals, or heartfelt surprises.