Introduce a touch of mystery and elegance with our Eternal Elegance: Black Rose Bouquet. Featuring 20 stunning Black Roses, this arrangement is artfully wrapped in yellow dotted paper and black & white shaded paper, creating a perfect blend of bold sophistication and timeless beauty. The bouquet is elegantly tied with a black ribbon, adding the finishing touch to this striking masterpiece. A perfect gift for someone who appreciates the beauty of contrast and the allure of deep, dark colors.
Whether you're celebrating an anniversary, sending a message of admiration, or simply surprising someone special, this bouquet will leave a lasting impression.
Key Features:
✔ 20 Black Roses – A symbol of mystery, elegance, and sophistication.
✔ 3 Yellow Dotted Paper – Adding a playful yet chic contrast to the dark hues.
✔ 3 Black & White Shaded Paper – Bringing a sense of depth and modern style to the bouquet.
✔ 1 Black Ribbon – Elegant and sleek, completing the bouquet with a graceful touch.